CARBITOL™ Solvent, Low Gravity

Solvent used to facilitate penetration into fibers and to promote the production of intense, bright shades; it features a high boiling point and low vapor pressure. Also an important solvent in nongrain-raising wood stains and serves as a component of industrial cleaners. Textile printing and dyeing processes utilize this product to facilitate penetration into fibers and to promote the production of intense, bright shades. These characteristics, as well as its high boiling point and low vapor pressure, make it useful for twist setting and yarn and cloth conditioning. Mineral oil-soap and mineral oilsulfonated oil mixtures require fast-acting mutual solvents. Small quantities of this product in these mixtures form translucent-to clear dispersions, in contrast to the usual turbid dispersion that indicates incomplete solubility.

Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether

196 C
91 C

  • Cleaning products
  • Textile handling
  • Solvents
  • Household industrial
  • Institutional cleaning

  • Cleaning